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First Football Game

When I first got to the game it was weird being on the actual football field, and I felt like I was bothering the players. Before the game started and through the first quarter I had to continuously change the f-stop. Throughout the rest of the game when the light evened out it was easier to take the pictures. Throughout the whole game I sprayed and prayed.  For my halftime pictures I took one with the ISO at 200, 70mm lens, f/6.3, and 1/160th of a second.

Two of them were with ISO 800, 70mm lens, f/7.1, and 1/200th of a second.

The picture of the Rooette had f/7.1, ISO 1000, 70mm lens, and 1/250th of a second.

The last picture was of a Cove cheerleader and had a f/3.2, ISO of 8000, 300mm lens, and 1/250th of a second.

For my action shots I had a picture of a Cove player with the ball trying to push the Killeen player off of him. The cove player did not succeed and I was nearly trampled trying to get this shot. The ISO has 2500, f/2.8, EF70-200mm lens, and 1/400th of a second.

The next shot is a cove player running straight through a hole in the play. ISO 8000, f/4.0, 300 mm lens, and 1/500th.

This next shot is of a Killeen player who just caught the ball and sprinted to the end zone. F/4.5, ISO 2500, EF70-200 mm lens, and 1/320th of a second.

Another shot is of a Killeen player sprinting through the other players while his team tries to hold off cove. ISO 10000, f/2.8, 300 mm lens, 1/1250th of a second.

The last shot is of a Killeen player going to catch the ball that his other teammate threw. He didn’t catch it. The f stop was on 3.2, ISO 10000, EF70-200 mm lens, and 1/1000th of a second.

My other shots include a ref watching the players get up from a tackle. ISO 10000, f/3.2, EF70-200 mm lens, and 1/640th of a second.

My second picture is of a Killeen player pulling a cove players jersey. ISO 10000, f/2.8, and 1/1250th of a second.

The third picture is of a Killeen player laying on the ground talking to a medic. ISO 10000, f/3.2, 300 mm lens, and 1/1250th of a second.

My fourth picture is of a Killeen coach kneeling after Killeen missed a catch. ISO 10000, f/3.2, 1/1250th of a second, and 300 mm lens.

My fifth picture is a cluster of cove players over-powering three Killeen players. With an ISO of 8000, f/4.0, 300 mm lens, and 1/500th of a second.

Overall the game was really good and I enjoyed taking pictures.

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